Save The Cheerleader . . .
If you didn't read the title and mentally add "Save the world", you probably won't care much about this post. See I'm a big Heroes fan and the Husband and I had a little mini-Marathon yesterday, so it's all really fresh. I don't know if I can wait another couples weeks for the next new ones, but it's not like I have a choice, right? That's not what this post is about. No worries, no spoilers, just general comments.
So, let me just start with Save the Cheerleader, Save the World. Sure, it's a great tag-line, very catchy, mysterious and whatnot, but come on, cheerleader? I mean, really, I know that it's a comic book and everyone is hot in comic books and that it's aimed at men/boys and whatever, but the cheerleaders already get all the attention. Hey, network people, there are chicks watching, too, and we're not the sort who were cheerleaders, I'm guessing. We were the ones who made fun of and were made of by the cheerleaders. How about playing to us for a change? How about "Save the Tuba Player, Save the World". Or Save the Yearbook Editor? or the the Valedictorian? I'm just saying, she could still be a hot teenage girl, but can't she be a hot teenage girl NERD? It's make-believe after all, so it could totally happen.
Second, and this goes for X-Men and people who have accidents with radioactive materials as well, where are the people with the totally useless mutant abilities? Maybe Mohinder and Dr. Xavier just aren't interested in them, which doesn't seem fair, but I want to know. I want to hear about the girl who can change her fingernail color at will, the guy who can tell by looking at you how many hairs are in your eyebrows! Or someone who can fall asleep instantly at will (not that this isn't a great talent, but not particularly helpful - "Criminals are robbing the bank - what will you do?" "Just take a little nap, I guess.") If people are getting awesome talents, shouldn't there also be people with not-so-awesome powers? How would "evolution" know what powers would be cool and what would be less helpful? Just saying.
Oh, and yes, I was briefly a cheerleader, but that was in Junior High, before I knew better.
At 10:30 AM,
Jim McKee said…
There was an interview with the guy who plays Ando, and he said he'd like to see Ando have some random/worthless power, such as the ability to make everything turn pink.
At 10:36 AM,
Paperback Writer said…
Or how about the ability to have your favorite drink on hand?
Save the band geek, save the world!
At 11:36 AM,
Jami said…
Jim - That would be great! Ando's a fantastic side-kick, he should get something, hunh?
PW - That would be an awesome power!
At 9:20 PM,
Liz said…
PW - I second that. I want that power.
I love Heros!
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