The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday Feast

Feast One Hundred Thirty-Five Appetizer Name two things that made you smile this week. 1. The Pens staying in Pittsburgh 2. When I went to get Eddie up from his nap and he just wanted to cuddle. Soup Fill in the blank: Don't you hate it when ________? . . . you can tell someone isn't listening to you when you are explaining something to you then later they complain that you either didn't tell them or that you told them something wrong? Salad When you can't go to sleep, what is your personal remedy to help yourself drift into Lullabyland? I tell myself stories. If I have really bad insomnia, the absolute sure-fire cure is: -make a bowl of chicken noodle soup -eat soup with a glass of milk (in a darkened room) -get nice and warm and comfy, when filled with milk and soup and watch an old favorite movie with the sound *just* loud enough to hear. Main Course What is something about which you've always wondered but have not yet found a good answer? Why do some women want to marry a guy who clearly does NOT want to marry them?? Dessert What is your favorite pasta dish? Mac and Cheese, duh!! Other than that, I'll pretty much eat any pasta with any meat and any non-creamy sauce.



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