The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

An Easter Bonnet with Ribbons On It

Easter season is the only time of year I wish I had a little girl. Today at a store I admired the beautiful girly-girl dresses with ribbons and lace and crinoline under-skirts. Some have matching lacy gloves and - my favorite, crisp white Easter hats! I'm sure my mother would dispute this, but in my memory, I loved my Easter hat. I probably wore it total of 37 seconds before I ran off and left it somewhere, but in my mind's eye, I felt lovely and, I don't know, proper? royal? in the hat. I'm a boy-mommy, 51 weeks a year. I love the rough-and-tumble, cars and Star Wars guys. I cringe at the princess stuff and can't stand Bratz. Sure, I played Barbies, but while my friends' Barbies were dating and marrying, mine were off on adventures. When we played Star Wars, I was Han Solo, and when we played Speed Racer, if I couldn't be Speed, I'd be Racer X (once I had to be Sprocket). I want at least one more boy, I don't feel the need for a girl (though if God gives us one, I'll love her, no fears!), but in the spring, when the Easter fashions for girls fill up the stores like a garden blooming in lace, those days, I could picture being a girl's mommy. I wonder how Eddie would look in that hat . . .

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  • At 9:24 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    Girls are more fun to dress. Emily has a white and pink dress with gloves, a purse, and a hat. And white shoes with pink flowers on them. But boys love their mamas like no other and will cuddle up to you forever. And their toys are way cooler!

  • At 4:01 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I don't think Eddie would like to be dressed up...just saying!


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