When Someone Asks, Just Say No
Go here for the story of a woman caught trying to sneak past border guards, in Israel, with live crocodiles strapped to her body. The article notes that their snouts were "tied shut", and these clearly were not full grown crocs, which would probably have been pretty obvious, but still. Doesn't this just sound like a bad idea?
The part I find most interesting is that the woman claims she "was asked" to do this. I've asked plenty of people for favors and been asked for just as many, I'm sure. I can't imagine how one asks a friend "Hey, could I tie some crocodiles to you? Just under your clothes, but don't worry, I'll get some string for their mouths." Or maybe she was returning a favor? "Remember when I helped you move? Well, I'm calling in that favor . . ."
This goes along with some other things I've heard, which make me wonder who has the chutzpah to ask others to go along with their plans. One friend told me about her cousin, whose husband had convinced her that it was okay for him to move his girlfriend into their house. That's right. Go back and read it again if you need to. How did that conversation go? "Look honey, I know you complain that I'm never home, this way, I'll be here more, and when I'm not, you'll have company." I worked with a woman who, as a 15-year-old, had asked her parents if her boyfriend could move in (into her bedroom!) because he wasn't getting along with his parents. Gee, teenager not getting along with his parents. If I'd even suggested this to my parents, not only would I still be grounded, but my dad would still be wiping away the tears of laughter. "Let him move in, ha ha ha, to your room, ha ha ha, whew! Oh sure! Then I'll buy you some champagne and a joint! HA!"
I guess you never know until you ask, and if you really want it, you just have to try it. I'm known for asking nosy questions (because you can always tell me it's not my business), but I can't even fathom how to ask someone to go along with something like one of the above. But I guess it happens.
So, could I get you to carry a small bag of probably harmless rare spiders in your mouth on a 10-hour flight? If you live, we'll totally split the profits.
At 11:24 AM,
Paperback Writer said…
No, no and no.
I read that story and thought, wtf?!?
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