Jami Warns You, Yet Again
I know the big question on everyone's mind is, what did Jami and the Husband do to celebrate 11 years of bliss? The answer is: hot wings and a movie. The wings are a tradition. Our first anniversary, we were not exactly rolling in the cash (you know, like we are now . . . ) and the Husband told me that he wanted to take me to this restaurant that he really liked that he was sure I would love. Idealistic and young, I expected fancy-schmancy. Silly Jami. Imagine my surprised when we pulled up at a dive that only serves bar food and has long tables where everyone basically sits together. I have to admit though, he was right, they had great wings. I didn't love the place because I hate strangers, especially sitting next to me while I eat, and the place was cramped and smelled like smoke, I was sure it was a fire-trap death waiting to happen, so overall, I wouldn't recommend it. I can't even remember the name, but I thought it was hilarious that for our romantic first anniversary, the Husband ensured we both had garlicky breath. So every year, wings.
But that's not what this post is about, more of an aside. This year, we also saw Transformers, which I know came out months ago, but the stuff that is currently out pretty much looks like crap and the second-run theater not far from here was running Transformers. It's great, and I highly recommend it. I'm not going to review it, either, EDW did that on Circle of Friends reviews (see link at right) and I basically agree with her. Good fun.
However the movie served to remind me that when the aliens come, they will not be coming to be our friends. And even if half of them do want to save humanity for whatever corny reason, there will be plenty of carnage. You can see my original warnings about that here.
When they come, we will not be prepared; in fact, we will be woefully unprepared. If we learn nothing from these movies, it's that we cannot know what to expect from the aliens as far as technology, adaptability, strengths and weaknesses, etc. We can make up stories, we can guess, we can imagine, but we plain old can't know. And the cold, hard fact is: you can't get ready for something if you have no idea what it is. Oh, and just because it happens in all the movies, don't expect a sudden lucky accident that uncovers the aliens' fatal flaw. That's a movie ending.
Anyway, go see or rent Transformers and enjoy it. You know, before it's too late. And don't say I didn't warn you. Sometime I'll have to discuss the robots. . . .
Labels: Contingency Plans, Food, Just Me, Movies, Silliness, the Husband
At 7:23 PM,
Liz said…
The longer I read your blog, the longer I come around to your way of thinking. :-) Scary, no? But I agree, on the long tables with others - yuck! Let me eat alone! And on the aliens. If they come, we are screwed.
At 10:07 PM,
Jami said…
Ha! My thoughts are contagious! Now, if we could only get the world to read . . . .
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