Jami Tells You About Another Dream
My friends either get sick of hearing about my dreams or else can't wait to hear more. I have bizarre, intricately detailed dreams all the time, and remember at least one dream at least 4 or 5 days a week. Mostly they are uninteresting, sort of the equivalent of a normal day. Sometimes they aren't.
Last night I had a dream that Brent Spiner was determined to woo me away from the Husband. He and I apparently worked at the same elementary school: me as a teacher, him as some sort of administrator. He even used his authority in that role to set up situations which placed us together and the like. It culminated in the school's Renaissance Day (what, grade schools don't have Renaissance days?) in which not only did Brent use his power to name me the Renaissance Day Princess, he also bought me a gorgeous gown and one of those pointy princess hats, and he even arranged for the prince (him, of course) to pick me up at my house and take me to the school in a horse-drawn carriage. Because my brain is seriously warped, as we climbed out of the carriage, one of the horses peed, somehow hitting his shirt, which he had to change. I expected him to be in shape, but his Bowflex Infomercial body surprised and impressed me; the jailhouse-looking tattoo, however, was a little off putting. We danced at the Prince and Princess Feast, and when he tried to kiss me, I immediately put an end to that and reminded him that I am happily married. Brent informed me that he didn't care about that "minor detail" and that he'd pursue me for the rest of our lives, but "not in a scary way". I was very flattered, though I knew his efforts would be fruitless.
Here are some points I find most interesting about the Brent dream:
- I've never been attracted to Brent. Not that I'm repulsed or anything, but he's not really my type, plus older than my dad, if IMDB is to be believed. He's a fine actor, but not one that I ever considered as a possible future beau.
- I'm not a teacher and if I were, it wouldn't be in an elementary school. That is my least favorite age of kids - that's right, I'd take Junior High over third grade any day.
- In many of my dreams, men other than the Husband are interested in me (and why not? I'm great!) and there are basically three scenarios: 1. I basically spend most of the dream flattered, but resisting the advances. 2. The Husband doesn't seem to mind me dating other men or 3. the Husband is gone, either having left me or just mysteriously vanished and no one thinks anything of it. This clearly was a 1.
- Notice that I made myself princess and not queen. Also, as much as I dearly love tiaras, I didn't have one. Just the pointy hat with the scarf-thing. Is there a name for those?
- For the life of me, I can't explain why he had nicely ripped muscles (you know, shaped, but not gross) and a seriously disturbing tatt. I don't know that much about the actor, but it's my guess that neither is really Mr. Spiner's style.
- Apparently, in my subconscious, stalking is fine as long as it's performed "not in a scary way".
Labels: celebrity, Dreams, Geekdom, Star Trek, the Husband
At 8:46 PM,
Liz said…
Wow, your parents are young!
Love the dream. Hilarious. Most of my pursued dreams take place with me as someone else. Like, I know it's me but I'm single and look different and have a whole other life.
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