Jami Catches Up
Whew, it's been awhile since I posted. Thanks to a busy week and a minor computer issue, suddenly it's been a week with no post. Apologies.
First, congrats to Lori - this week's winner of Jami's Word Game for her excellent use of last week's word, "vexatious" - see her use in the comment section of this post. Lori doesn't have a blog (as far as I know) so no link, but way to use the word, Lori and keep up the fine work! Lori recently taught me the word "chaplet" which actually came up in a conversation shortly thereafter. Three weeks, three different winners, are you next?? I know you can do it. This week's word is:
turbid [tur-bid]
1. not clear or transparent because of stirred-up sediment or the like; clouded; opaque; obscured: the turbid waters near the waterfall.
2. thick or dense, as smoke or clouds.
3. confused; muddled; disturbed.
This is a new one on me, I'd heard of "turgid" but never this one. Best of luck, post your entries and I hope you win.
Other brief notes:
We're going camping this weekend and I can't wait. I so need a break and there's not much that's both cheap and totally relaxing as drinking malt-ternatives around a campfire. However I am also totally dreading the part of the weekend that is leaving Eddie for two whole days. I've never been away from him that long (since he came home). He's all excited, he loooooves going to Grammy and Pop's house, it's all he's talked about all day. So I may be crying into my malt-ternative.
I'm out of Sue Grafton books. I thought she'd finished the alphabet (she writes the A is for . .B is for . . . mysteries). I counted on a nice full 26 books before I ran out, she started writing these in the 80s, after all and I go to get T and it's not even released yet!! There is a 200+ person waiting list!! What the $*%#? Where's my *$#%^ "T", Sue?? "S" came out two years ago, I read way faster than that! Grrr. This happens to me with every author. I'm not even a huge mystery fan, it was just something to keep me busy between other books and now I'm out. So sad.
Does anyone else think OJ Simpson is some sort of criminal savant? Commits a double-homicide, gets away with it, commits some more felonies (sure, 10 years later, but still) and makes such idiotic remarks as "I thought what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" (um, I doubt they said that to encourage you to come to Vegas and commit armed robbery; I think they were going more for the legal, but perhaps less moral activities) and something about how could people say he'd think he'd get away with a crime (hmmmmmm). Sigh. Please, OJ, muster what little dignity you have left and stop breaking the law. Please.
Here's the story of a woman who tried to eBay her two kids (just for a couple of days). I can't imagine what could go wrong with that.
Having kids leads you to say things you never thought you would, like "Please quit rubbing cheese into your hair", "No chasing the dog with pliers!" and "You're lying, you did poop!"
I had a dream last night, the details unimportant, but the cool part was that it had a soundtrack - all Monkees songs, too.
So now, I guess we're all caught up. Don't forget to post your entries to the word game here.
Peace out, I gotta go catch a tiny lunatic and try to convince him to go to sleep.
Labels: Books, Dreams, Eddie, Parenting, vacation, Word Game
At 10:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
At choir practice our director saw that I was a little sad.We talked for a minute.
Madlyn:Hi Lori is anything wrong?
Me:Yes it's been quite a week that I don't want to repeat anytime soon.
Madlyn:How bad of a week was it?
Me:This was a very turbid week for me.
Madlyn:I'm sorry to hear that.I hope things get better.
Me:I hope so too.
Madlyn: (smiling) Surprised I knew what that meant?
Me: (respectfully) No Ma'am
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