The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Jami and Her Toddler

One of the things I enjoy about motherhood is the sheer absurdity it brings along. I mean, you sort of know, going in, that you're going to be doing new and not exactly thrilling activities, but the sheer magnitude of the nuttiness doesn't really hit you until you start doing some of them. Today, for example. It started out with me making a deal with Eddie that if he would just take a bite of apple, I'd dance. I've never, in the history of my being, offered to dance for someone in return for THEM eating something. Then there was the nose issue. Normally, I wouldn't put my fingers in anyone else's nose. I tend to avoid putting my fingers in my nose and I know exactly where it has been. But, this morning, Eddie inadvertently got a sprinkle (or, as we say here in Pittsburgh, a "jimmie") stuck up there and without even thinking, I had my (pinky) finger inserted in someone's nostril, digging around like I expected to come out with gold. I didn't even think about it, just dove right in. In my life, I am fairly certain I've never put my finger in anyone's nose, and certainly not on purpose. We have a new thing going on today. It's an alarm clock that looks like a jukebox. I've been setting it for every 25-35 minutes, and when it goes off (and plays "Wake Up, Little Susie") we yell "YAY! TIME TO PEE ON THE POTTY!" and we run over to the training potty where Eddie pees, we yell "yay!" a few more times and then we get candy. It's really a bizarre thing, if you stop to ponder it, but I don't. I am a little afraid that Eddie will end up having to pee anytime he hears "Wake Up, Little Susie" but at this point, it's a risk I'm willing to take.

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