The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Jami Loves Love

Joining approximately half of the US yesterday, I attended a wedding. Many congratulations to Rachel and Jon who tied the knot on 7-7-07, probably the most sought-out wedding date in a decade. We enjoyed a lovely tradition-filled ceremony a fantastic reception and time with family and friends.

I love weddings - cliche? Sure, but I don't care. I love dressing up. I love sitting next to the Husband, holding his hand and remembering our vows as a couple says theirs. I love dancing, and drinking and all the silly, hokey things you do at the reception. Good times. OH - except that stupid "clink your glass to make them kiss thing". For the love of Pete, folks, let the poor newlyweds eat. They've probably been too nervous to eat all day and they've been busy. They'll kiss plenty, I promise. Just let them eat their dinners.

Adding to the joy of the evening is more good news - one of my good friends and her husband announced their new pregnancy (well, to be honest, they announced it the next day, but I managed to weasel the info out early, because I'm like that.) Yay for them; they are one of the people I believe should have lots of kids because they are nice, intelligent, moral people who will raise their kids right.

I danced until the music stopped, I consumed a fair amount of the alky-hol, I made new friends and ate cake and cookies. Yes, I ate dinner, which was delicious, but I get dinner every day. I don't get cake and cookies every day.

Me and my new friend Tiffany

This was at a wedding last month, but here's Eddie in his tux, and getting down on the dance floor with his cousin, Adam.

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  • At 11:52 AM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    Guys don't let nervousness get in the way of eating. That's a chick thing.


    (BTW, I was not nervous for either of my weddings. In hindsight... maybe I should've been???)

  • At 2:23 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Au contraire, Jim!

    Loki was way nervous before our ceremony! He didn't eat!

    I ate. I wasn't going to be one of those fainting brides, thank you very much! Just one of those brides who can't remember what she's supposed to say and instead starts blubbering.




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