The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Jami Discusses Family Planning

Today I'd like to discuss an aspect of family planning that you may not have given any thought to, but I feel is extremely important: planning your children's birth months so that their birthstones don't clash. Eddie is an August baby, that means he's a peridot. It's a lovely light green stone, looks great in both gold and white gold settings (I have both). But, should I have another child, I will want to ensure that I can get jewelry with both of their birthstones incorporated, in an attractive way. To that end, I need to avoid red or orange for sure, which rules out January, July and November babies. December is turquoise, I just don't think that'd look right. I think we'd probably be okay with February (amethyst) but I'd have to see them together. May (emerald) would be great. My brother and his wife's first is April - that's diamond, good choice for a first kid, because really, diamonds go with anything. One of my friends had all her babies in the same month, hard for birthday parties, yes, but great for jewelry. One friend had two September babies; an excellent choice both because sapphires are pretty and because all the coolest people are born in September. Another friend has three children, all lovely little kids, but born in May, November and December - can you picture the ring with an emerald, topaz and turquoise? Garish! All I'm saying is that for your first, choose a month like April, June (pearl) or October (opal), allowing a wider choice for future children. After that, try to plan your pregnancies wisely, and remember, you can always have a planned c-section early if you need to have the baby before the end of a certain month. Your doctor will understand, if she's a woman.

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