The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Jami's Slightly Late Father's Day Post

Here's the post I should have written on Father's Day, but I hadn't given it much thought and it is indeed a topic that shouldn't be covered lightly. I could have written about how important fathers are to children in general, like how the drug use, drop out, teen pregnancy and suicide rates are higher for children who don't have an involved father. I could talk about how it is easy to biologically create a child, but much harder to actually father one. But I won't . . . Instead, let me tell you that I am financially careful because my father taught us the value of money. I am confident because my father told me that I am beautiful. I am a hard worker because my father never called off sick until he was so sick he could barely make the call. I love history because my father shared that love with my brother and me. I have a fantastic husband because my father taught me how to a man should act and treat me, and that I was worthy not settling for anything less. And I definitely have his love of a good story and sense of humor. Also I got his bad teeth, but that's not his fault. My son is named after two great Daddies who bore the name Edward: one is mine, one is my mother-in-law's. I am proud to have my son carry on the legacy of these men, especially on Father's Day. And finally, a story: I don't know where my mom and brother were that night, maybe at some Boy Scout function or maybe each out somewhere else. Leftovers waited for us in the fridge, which I appreciate the value of now, but hated at the time. It might have been spring, maybe fall, cool and rainy. My dad asked me if he should warm the leftovers. I suggested we "forget" about the leftovers and go to KFC, maybe get a movie, really having no hope of that. My dad shut the fridge and said "let's go!" I don't remember what movie we got. I just remember eating KFC, in the family room, in front of the TV, alone with my Daddy. We chatted and he let me have both drumsticks. It was a great night. Happy (Belated) Father's Day, Daddy! Love you lots.

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  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    Nice post! And I loved your comment re Will Smith's song - love him.

  • At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice blog - I love your Dad too!


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