The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Jami Takes It Easy

Well, folks, I'm on vacation. I had planned to blog more while here, since the cottage we have at this little beach was advertised as having wireless connection, which is sort of true. I'd considered the idea of writing a post, going to the single corner of our space where we get connection, weak and unreliable though it might be, and quickly pasting it, but that seemed like too much work for vacation time. We are at the beach - and Eddie's in toddler heaven. Not only does he have access to sand, toys and snacks, but he's basically got the undivided attention of 5 adults (the Husband, me, my parents and my grandmother). He's going to be sorely disappointed next week when he is stuck back with just me, and I don't attend to his every whim. As much as I love the beach, I am becoming almost sun-phobic. Being the whitest white girl in the history of the planet, I burn much too fast and then spend days in constant pain or at least uncomfortableness. I hate that. I've spent most of the time on the beach huddling under the umbrella, reading my books. I've read I Love You, Beth Cooper, by Simpsons writer Larry Doyle and enjoyed that quite a bit. I'm about 2/3 through Island of the Lost by by Joan Druett, the true story of one island where two ships wrecked within few months of each other, without knowing the others were there. One group did exceedingly well, the other, well, didn't. I've also just started The Cat-Napping another Bertie and Jeeves novel by the always hilarious P.G. Wodehouse, and if you haven't read any, do pick one up. We've been to the zoo - good fun. I haven't taken many pictures, as again, it seems like work, but I promise, I'll get to some and post a few. Happy whatever day today is to you, having a great time, wish you were here!

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  • At 2:30 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    And I'm the whitest white guy... maybe we're related?

    (I'm so white, I've got albino girls hittin' on me.)


  • At 11:36 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Where are you guys again? Did you mention it and I didn't pay attention?

  • At 7:22 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    Jim: I'm so white I make vampires look tan.

    PW: I didn't mention. We're in Erie, on a cute little private beach.


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