The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Clear and Present Danger

Usually, in my blog, I do attempt some humor or lightness. The more serious ones tend to me about me, or the occasional rants. But, folks, I am serious - dead serious - today. There is no doubt that we are fast approaching a nexus in our history, a point where if we teeter over, we face a grave and possibly permanent threat to our freedoms. Listen up, my friends, for sadly, this is no joke. The First Amendment to the US Constitution (quoted below) precludes our government from policing our thoughts and speech. While there may not be laws being passed per se threatening this all-important right, there is a definite trend in the US against this basic right. Hear me clearly when I say, if we lose the right to say what we think, to share our opinions, however bizarre, ugly or insane, none of our other liberties will matter. You cannot lose your ability to speak your mind without losing the ownership of your thoughts and that is what is happening. "Political Correctness", an idea which started off as a way of ensuring polite speech, has run rampant - even to the point where newscasters during the recent crisis between Iran and the UK refrained from using the word "hostage" because using that word in conjunction with Iran is politically incorrect, EVEN THOUGH THAT'S WHAT THEY WERE. Instead, they were "detained". British soldiers, who were in Iraqi waters (that has been proven, NOT in Iran, got it?) are captured and held against their will by a country they are NOT currently at war with. That is a hostage. Not using the word hostage implies agreement with the Iranian government and makes us complicit in their actions. This is where political correctness is leading us. In England, they will no longer be teaching the Holocaust or Crusades. Because it might make people feel bad. Don't believe me? See the story here. Let's not teach history if it hurts feelings. Scientists trying to show that global warming is not caused by humans and/or is not the hideous danger we keep hearing that is, anyone who says for any reason that homosexuals shouldn't marry, Christians, they are all being systematically shut down, shouted down and called Nazis, hate-mongers, evil, bigots. Love her or hate her, Dr. Laura got absolutely creamed a few years ago for saying that homosexuality is not the biological norm. That's all she said, I personally heard the episode that aired when she said that, and it's true. Put your emotions aside and think about the statement. But she got lambasted up and down the news channels, Internet etc. If you think I'm making this up, try stating one of these opinions in a group go here for more examples. Look at politicians who have said any of these things. Whether you agree with them or not is not the point. If you allow ANY viewpoint to be shut down because someone doesn't like it, what is to stop someone from shutting down yours? We need to protect our right to say and think and believe what we want, and we need to start now. Honestly, I can't recommend a single course of action. I don't know who to tell you to write to, but at the very least be aware. Don't let the fear of being called hateful override your good sense. Please, please, don't look the other way while your rights are being stolen. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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  • At 10:02 PM, Blogger old man neill said…

    well said.

  • At 12:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I would take umbrage with two of your statements. I would hope that you don't take them personally.

    You mention that Christians are being shut down. Do you how many non-Christian presidents we've had? 0. None. No Jews, no atheists, no agnostics. So, really Christians have been the ruling class since the founding of this country. Christians can't claim oppression if they're the ruling class.

    And you mention that Dr. Laura got lambasted. But the people lambasting were expressing their First Amendment right as well. You can't have it one way. Just like the Dixie Chicks, you can speak your mind, but don't get upset when people rise up and smack you back and then you cry 'foul'. Take it like an adult.

    Otherwise, an interesting post. I don't know if you're wanting our thoughts on this or not. I've been burned before by making an observation on a blog, so please delete this if it offends. Hopefully, we're still friends.

  • At 10:34 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    Patrick, I absolutely welcome responses and I agree that everyone has the right to their opinion. Here's my response:

    1. for the Christian, yes, all the Presidents have claimed association with a Christian church, and people seem to like to elect a man who goes to church, however, saying things that are "too Christian" (and, having worked in media, I've heard that term plenty, but never "too Islam", "too Buddhist" or "too atheist") can be a death knell.

    2. As for Dr. Laura, my problem there is that she stated a medical fact (that homosexuality is not the biological norm) and instead of some sort of factual response, she was called a hate-monger, evil, mean-spirited, stupid and a Nazi. This is one of the most common ways of "debate" that I have seen lately. Someone states a fact and the opposition doesn't refute it with research, anecdotal evidence or even opinion, but just personal attacks. If Dr. Laura had started out with "I hate gays" that's one thing, but she didn't. She is never anti-gay, and in fact just last week gave a woman hell who was considering cutting her daughter out of her life for coming out.

    For the Dixie Chicks, I agree, they started with an opinion, then seemed to get upset that other people had varying opinions. I absolutely agree that everyone has the right to their opinions and beliefs, and their own interpretation of the facts.

    I hope that clears it up. And please, don't ever be afraid to share here. All opinions are welcome here. Even wrong ones ;-)

  • At 12:48 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    It took me a while to think of what I wanted to say. (Strangely, enough...hahaha.)

    You're quite right. People should have the freedom of speech. It when that freedom becomes something else that makes my skin crawl.

    I remember when the KKK came for a rally in Downtown about ten years ago. Loki told me not to go and I responded that I was exercising my right to free speech...the same with them. Not that I would ever agree with them...


  • At 1:24 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    Jami, this is interesting. You and I go to Christian churches and we hear and see and discuss things like this in church, or with our church friends - I know i do - about how believing something that is not PC means you're a Nazi. I remember when JP II was in NYC, and people were protesting his stance on abortion. A friend of mine was so upset that people would try to ruin a Mass to shout angry things at him, that she walked up to one of the protesters and said "He's the Pope. It's his job to be against abortion". Very simplistic, but true. She didn't stop their protest, or even attempt to - they had a right to shout angry things at the Pope, and we had a right to go to a Mass he celebrated.

    As for the Dixie Chicks, I disagree slightly. They stated an opinion, and they were attacked for stating that opinion. They had/have every right to be upset about that. It wasn't simply that people disagreed with their opinion, which of course they expected, it was that people disagreed with them expressing their opinion. I've read and watched a lot about this situation, on both sides, because it interests me. I can find you links if you want. I find how they were treated, like they had no right to express their own opinions, exactly what you are talking about as a danger in this post.

  • At 4:27 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    PW - a long time ago I read in a Piers Anthony book "Decent folk [had] to let the indecent folk do their thing; that was the paradox of decency."

    EDW - First off, Kudos to your friend for responding in an amusing and true way. As for the Dixie Chicks, I'm going to plead ignorance on this one. I have to admit I didn't follow it much, as I am not really a fan and frankly didn't care much what they said. It was my impression that they had mostly complained that people were not attending their concerts or buying albums because of what they said. I totally agree that they had the right to say what they wanted about the president, though my own personal opinion is that you treat your country kinda like your family, bitch all you want internally, but don't go airing greivences to the neighbors ;-) However, they DO have the right to do that if they choose.

    I'm so glad you guys responded and are challenging. Good debate is the whole point.


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