Jami, By the Numbers
Today, I am 33 years old, and, in honor of my changing to that numbers, here are a few more about me:
Birth date: 9-5-1974
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Um, let's see, I was 100 lbs when I started college, let's figure I gained 1 pound a year, so 115.
Married: 1 time, 1 guy, on 10-12-1996
Children: 1, age 2
Siblings: 1, age 28
Jobs I've Held: 14 (includes baby-sitter and Mom, excludes unpaid internship)
Longest Friendship: 23 years, with M
Newest Friendship: Probably Lexi and Heidi, about 5 months
Cars I've Owned: 3
Houses I've Owned: 1
--Mailing Addresses: 7
Trips out of the US: 5
Types of Pets Owned: 5 (dog, fish, gerbil, bird, hermit crab)
Oceans I've Been In: 2
Arrests: 0
Traffic Accidents: 2
--Where I Was At Fault: 1
Jury Duty: 4
--Picked for Jury: 0
Companies Sold or Closed While I Worked There: 2
Movies Appeared in: 1
--Payment for Appearance: $40, plus free lunch
First Big Purchase (over $100): $150 - 13" TV for my dorm room, still going!
Remotes In My Living Room: 6
--That Work: 4
Trips to Vegas: 3
Fillings: 3, I think
Age I Got My Driver's License: 17
--Tries it took: 1
Toilets in My House: 2 grown-up toilets and 1 training potty
--Bathrooms in my house: 1
Types of Milk in my Fridge: 3
Songs on my iPod: 291
Phone Numbers Stored in my Cell: 57
--Numbers I Deleted While Counting for This: 3
Email Addresses I Check Regularly: 5 (including the Circle of Friends one)
Fruit/Veggie Servings I've Had Today: 0
Cans of Pop I've Had Today: 2
Blog Posts as of Today: 354 (on this blog)
--"Blog Friends" I've Made: 3
--Friends I Had Before I Started Reading Their Blogs: 2
Well, that's about all I can think of off the top of my head. I hope you enjoyed this numerical picture of me. If you want, feel free to pretend I "tagged" you with this and pass it on, making me finally, finally immortal.
Labels: Eddie, family, Food, iPod, Just Me, life, Music, the Husband
At 1:20 AM,
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday!
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