The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Jami Screams for Mothers Everwhere

An Open Letter to Car Seat Manufacturers. Dear Large Corporations Who Depend on Brand Loyalty, Let me start by mentioning that I get, completely, that your products keep my kid safe and I'm all about that. I appreciate it, I do, that you work hard to design a better, safer car seat, and I even appreciate that you make them adjustable so that I don't have to spend a hundred bucks every time my son grows an inch. However. . . . For the love of Pete, can you make one of these that I can adjust, or clean, or take out of the car without requiring an advanced degree in engineering and 17 different screwdrivers? Trust me, we moms are stressed out enough without the unbelievable frustration of going through your "clearly" (note the sarcasm) spelled out 38-step process where you can't tell if you've missed a step or done incorrectly until you have the seat back in the car and the kid strapped into the seat and the car is rapidly approaching 110 degrees inside and the only way to fix it is to take the kid back OUT, detach the 15 point safety straps, undo the 38 steps and redo them all! See, I guarantee that if you did make one that is totally safe and can pop right out of the back seat so I can vacuum up the top few layers of cookie crumbs while I throw the juice/spit up/random stain covered seat cover in the wash, I'd not only buy your brand of everything, but I'd tell every mommy I know how fan-damn-tastic your seat is. And then we'd all be happy. Just saying. And don't get me started on the (expletive deleted) jerks who designed the back portion of Eddie's crib light/music thing so that it doesn't work when you really, really need it to and it falls off at totally random intervals (though usually in the middle of the night) with nice loud THUNK!!! Thanks so much, Eddie's Mom

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  • At 12:41 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Oh, my gosh. I don't even have a child and those car seats drive me crazy. No wonder they get left in their. It's too difficult to get in and out!

  • At 8:23 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    You know, I can get mine out easy - and in easy - but maybe it's just the particular seat I have. Some of my friends never take theirs out unless the husbands are around to put them back in! Which one do you have?

  • At 1:10 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    I have an Eddie Bauer one and into/out of the car isn't the seat's fault, I took it to my girlfriend's car - her LATCH hooks were actually visible, mine are buried in the seat.

    However taking the dang thing apart to adjust the height for Eddie IS the stupid seat's fault.

    We had the Graco Aura for his infant seat - easy in/out of the car, a little harder in/out of the stroller, still too annoying to change the height straps.


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