Jami' Friday Feast
Feast 158
Who is the easiest person for you to talk to?
Hmm, mostly the Husband, though it's pretty easy to talk to Eddie, since he doesn't get most of what I'm saying.
If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose?
I don't know enough about ancient cities to answer that one.
What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed?
The birth of my beautiful god-daughter Ella. I was trying to think of some big world-changing event, but who knows? She may change the world yet.
Main Course
If you were a celebrity, what would you do for a publicity stunt?
If I could be certain that it wouldn't come out that it was a publicity stunt, I'd appear to save a child from a life-threatening situation. If I couldn't be sure of that, I'd have to do something stunning, but in good taste - maybe auction off the opportunity to be my date to some big awards show and give the money to charity.
What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child?
This is a tricky one, because I don't think there's just a right number. I'd have to say, that you have to be old enough that:
- You know that parenting will be difficult and not all dressing them up in cute clothes
- You or your spouse has a good enough job that one of you can stay home and actually raise your own children.
- You have at least some small understanding of the mistakes you think or know your parents made and how you will be different. Also, you understand that YOU will make mistakes, but that's part of it.
- You are mature enough to put someone else's needs ahead of your wants.
BUT you also have to be young enough to:
- Accept advice and criticism from more experienced parents gracefully, and pick out what works for you.
- Get by on not much sleep.
- Have enough energy to chase around a toddler
- Realistically expect to live until the child graduates high school at least
- Be silly when you need to.
Whew, long answer for that one.
Happy Friday!
At 1:04 AM,
Paperback Writer said…
That was the best answer for when to have a child, I've seen.
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