Jami Ages Gracefully
Sigh, it's the day before my birthday. Don't get me wrong. I looooove my birthday. This past weekend was the social event of the season - Jami's Fifth Annual 29th Birthday Picnic. However, as much as I love my birthday and try to be sure that everyone is aware that TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY, I also have recently realized that I am, actually, old.
I know, I look young and hot and you can't believe that I'd think, even for a moment, that I'm old, but here's how I know I've crossed the line: dental routine. That's right, I have a 5-step night-time ritual for teeth care; it's a dead giveaway. See, the younger you are, the less interest you have in tooth care. Let's say you're 10. You brush your teeth in the morning, because you'll do anything to delay going to school; at night, if your mother reminds you several times, you'll stick a wet toothbrush in your mouth, move it around for approximately 10 seconds and put it away.
Then, by college, you're probably into brushing regularly without being prompted. Having had 3 different roommates and plenty of close friends I stayed over with, I'd have to say that I don't recall anyone flossing or using special rinses. The exception was Babs on my dorm floor who rinsed with salt water because she was prone to really bad mouth ulcers. There were still nights that you went without brushing, even, because you were tired or intoxicated or pulling an all-nighter and you slept sitting up but with your head down on the book.
Now, here I am at 32 years and 364 days old, and I floss, then brush, then use the Listerine, then rinse with water, then swish the Act. I feel guilt if I skip even one of those steps. If I'm too tired (or intoxicated, some things never change) to do one, I promise myself that I'll do it in the morning, and I do. Sigh.
And now, I'll graciously accept all birthday wishes.
At 8:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
You're not old Jami. Don't give that a second thought. Love Ya. Your Friend,Lori HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 12:21 PM,
Liz said…
You're not old! We're mere children1 We just care about out teeth. :-)
At 1:07 PM,
Jami said…
Thank you, thank you. It's too bad you don't look the age you feel :D
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