The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Jami's Friday Feast

Feast 156 Appetizer Describe your laundry routine. Do you have a certain day when you do it all, or do you just wash whatever you need for the next day? I don't have a certain day for our laundry, I just kind of do it when it looks like there's enough for at least two loads. I do all of Eddie's laundry every Saturday, unless I know I'm going to be out, and then I do it Friday. I carry it all down, run it through the washer and then put it on the line if it's nice out. If not, washer and dryer. Then I carry it all up, sort, fold and put away all at once. Soup In your opinion, what age will you be when you’ll consider yourself to truly be old? 87 Salad What is one of your goals? Is it short-term, long-term, or both? Short-term, to incorporate better eating habits in our whole family. Long term, to raise healthy, happy, kind, Christian child(ren) to an adulthood where they contribute to society. Main Course Name something unbelievable you’ve seen or read lately. A man is suing 1-800-FLOWERS because he used them to send flowers to his mistress and his wife found out when they sent him a thank you note for his business. Dessert On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how happy are you today? 9. I hurt my toe earlier, nothing serious, but enough to keep me from being a 10 right now.

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