The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Jami Needs More Movies to Look Forward To

I'm out of "I can't wait for . . ."! I guess the new Star Trek, sort of, but the Star Wars are done, the Spider-Mans are over (I think), the Simpsons is out. All the movies I couldn't wait to see, that I eagerly watched trailers of, read articles about or strenuous avoided spoilers for - I've seem 'em all. Oh, cruel fate, what shall I look forward to? I'll see Iron Man, but I haven't worked up a real excitement for it. Balls of Fury looks like it could be funny, or very bad, but I'm not lining up a sitter for opening weekend. The rest of the Harry Potters? Haven't even read book 6 yet, I'm afraid and the books are always better than the movie. So what's a girl to do? Isn't there anyone out there making a movie I can mark my calendar for?

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