The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Jami Needs Geek Help

Normally I'm a big enough geek all by myself, but here's the thing: I need an MP3 player. Long story short, I have a nice collection of birthday/Christmas moola and in about a month I'm going to have enough points on a website I click through to ads on to get a $50 gift certificate to a variety of stores and I want to join the 21st Century. But I don't know a thing about them. I can barely spell MP3. The iPods sure look cool. I need your help. I know at least 75% of you know more about this than I do. What I'm looking for is:
  1. Enough memory, or the capability to add more, so that I can put, I don't know, a few hours worth of music as well as a couple podcasts I'd like to get.
  2. Durability - I don't plan to buy one of these every year, or every two years. I still have my CD walkman my husband bought me as a gift about 8 years ago and it's still working. That's what I'm talking about
  3. A good "first" one. I'm fairly tech-savvy and I'm not afraid to read a user manual. I'm great with figuring out stuff as long as it's not ridiculously complicated. So, I need one that I can read/figure out, or one that if I get stuck, you'll help me figure out.
  4. Value for the money. I'm not cheap, and I don't mind paying a little more if it's really a better product.

Do I need video? Probably don't need it, but maybe you can talk me into or out of it, if you know about that.

So what'd'ya say folks - what should I get? Help!



  • At 1:44 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I love my iPod. Love, love, love it.

    I haven't heard anything about the Zune. On my little bundle of love I have 5337 songs, five vidoes and 4854 photos. I could get more songs on here, but I'd have to delete Some photos.

    "Some." I have about 4.7 GB left and I started with 30. He's well loved, well used and protected in a hard plastic case.

    Did I mention I have podcasts on there too?

  • At 1:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Space is one of the primary issues: do you want your whole collection with you at all times? If not, I tend to go for something with no moving parts like the ipod shuffle. It's tiny, extremely reliable (no moving parts!) and the 1 GB version can hold 100 songs or so. Cheap too: I think they're around $80 now.

  • At 4:05 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Ah, yes.

    Always the essential question. The whole kit and caboddle or just a few songs?

    I opted for all of my cd collection - hence 5,000 + songs.

    But Chris is right. A few songs? Shuffle it up.

  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Let me tell you why you shouldn't get the Shuffle. You really want a display of some kind. Get the Nano instead if you want Apple.

    Avoid the Zune like the black plaque (or is that plague?)

  • At 10:32 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    I'm with Patrick. No shuffle. Get the iPod. It will last you a while. We still use the original one, from 6 or 7 years ago!

    I would spend the money on the bigger one with the features and keep it for 5-10 years. But that's just me, I'd rather keep those for long time and spend my money on a new laptop!


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