The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Jami Goes to the Movies

I love going to the movies, but it's a love-hate kinda thing. I love the big dark theatre, the sound, the buttery popcorn and bucket of soda. I hate the usual things - the people who talk or use their cell phones, the actual commercials (not trailers, I love trailers), the fact that I can't pause the movie to take a potty break. But mostly I love movies. I love stories: hearing them, telling them, retelling them. Since the Husband doesn't work the traditional M-F 9-5, we get to go to the theatres at "off-times" like a Wednesday afternoon. We saw the third Pirates movie which I loved. Much better than 2, with nice complex plots and twists and a good ending, that could have been sappy and dumb, but instead was just right. Even better than a story is a story with a "just right" ending. Good movies can be totally ruined by a sucky ending, I'm talking to you Blazing Saddles and Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail. A movie's ending isn't just, well, when it ends, it's that last bite of sandwich you saved while eating your fries so that you can finish with the taste of sandwich in your mouth. The last Pirates movie, while not great overall, is still a fine example of a good ending. Great endings should both wrap up the story lines, yes, ALL of them, to some extent, don't just forget about something that wasn't going anywhere. If it was a red herring at least give us a clue to that effect. They don't need to end with "And we lived happily ever after" but there should be a hint of how the rest of eternity goes - even if you're planning a sequel, make this movie end. And a movie ending doesn't have to be happy. Just saying. I especially like if I don't see it coming. My favorite movie ending, at the moment, would have to be 40-Year-Old Virgin, which (if you haven't seen it, hope I'm not wrecking it for you) ends with a giant musical dance number to the Age of Aquarius. Sure didn't see that coming, but it fit the tone of the movie, it wrapped up what had been going on and it was just plain fun. Good ending. Return of the Jedi ends a trilogy very satisfactorily. Drop Dead Gorgeous perfectly wraps up a plot which I thought had painted itself into a no-win corner. Go see it, if you haven't, and be prepared to laugh so hard you have to pause it. To wrap up my post on movie endings, let me ask you - what movies end just right? Which took a sharp turn into wrong before the credits rolled?

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  • At 11:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    So much to comment on here!

    I enjoy the theatre, but dislike it for the same reasons you mention.

    I had never thought much about it, but yeah, the endings of 'Blazing Saddles' and 'Monty Python & The Quest For The Holy Grail' have pretty lame endings...especially considering how amazing the rest of the film is. 'Life Of Brian', I think, is a good example of what Monty Python could do for endings. It's a classic.

    You liked 'Drop Dead Gorgeous'? My wife and I loved that film so much we bought it. 'The Mount Rose Pageant is NOT a peep show!' (Yes, butchered quote, but I love the accents.) And the wheelchair doing her routine...amazing. The beer can on mom's many great moments.

    You know what endings I like? When a movie shows each of the main characters and then puts text on the screen to tell you what happened with the rest of their life (ala 'Fast Times At Ridgemont High'). There is something great about knowing the entire rest of the story. But certainly every movie can't make that work.

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    That's my point exactly with the Holy Grail - Monty Python can do so much better and they just sort of dropped the ball on that one.

    Drop Dead Gorgeous is one of the funniest movies ever. I especially like the girl who dances with . . . well, to avoid ruining it, let's just say in a blasphemous manner. So funny. So wrong. "Well it's always sad when the young ones go boom."

    I immediately thought of Animal House as an example of the ending you mention. I do like that style, too.

  • At 11:22 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I hate going to the movies.

    Everyone is so rude there.

    Yes, loved the ending to 40 Year Old Virgin. I actually liked the last Pirates movie - though don't ask Loki for his opinion. He went on a feminist bent rant about it.

    I'm hoping to see Ocean's 13 tonight. We can't resist a funny caper movie with sauve guys in it.

    Or is that just me?

  • At 10:38 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    You stayed after the credits of the POTC3, right??? So you saw the very, very last scene?


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