The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Friday Feast

Feast 146 Appetizer Name something you think is “the best.” Well, there's me, of course. Eddie - best baby ever. The Husband (that's why he's THE Husband and not just "my" husband). Diet Coke Plus. My grandmother's brownies. Sleeping in. Soup On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 highest), how stressed are you today? Hard to gauge. I'm ill so I feel rotten, but not stressed, per se. Salad What kind of cleanser do you use to wash your face? Mary Kay Timewise 3-in-1 Main Course Tonight is a blue moon! What is something that you believe only happens “once in a blue moon.” Everything goes right. Dessert When was the last time it rained where you live? Yesterday. Stupid thunder woke my napping baby. Must be someone I can sue over that.

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  • At 8:02 PM, Blogger Clockworkchris said…

    Well you know the government controls the weather so I am sure you could sue. LOL This is my first time to your page. You have some unique answers and your blog has a nice arragement. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for the interesting feast.


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