The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Jami Rambles a Bit

I cleaned the fridge today. It's one of those chores I don't really mind, as long as I can wear gloves so I don't break all my nails off. I love the way the fridge looks bright and fresh when I'm done. I can't tell you how satisfying it was earlier this year when the refrigerator repair guy said "You have the cleanest fridge I've ever seen!" Yes I do! Yay clean fridge! I also like putting laundry out on the line, which I did today as well. It looks so colorful and happy, all the shirts and pants flapping in the wind with the sun shining down on them. Something about laundry hanging on a clothesline says "This family is loved and cared for." Also I'm sort of on the cheap side, so the sun drying the laundry looks like a smaller gas bill to me. I don't hang out our underwear, though, because I don't think our neighbors want to see it. And if they do, then I really don't want to have it out. The stupid ants are back on the patio. To prove to me that they have less brains than even I gave them credit for, they rebuilt on what basically would be the next door of the ant world. Hmm, that monster destroyed our home and killed a large portion of our relatives, so let's go, uhhhh, right here! The Monster will never find us here, in plain sight of our last home. Armageddon rained down on them once again and I wonder if they had shocked expressions on their little ant faces. Our ceiling fan is set to draw the air up - is that right? I can never remember which way for which season. On one hand, it's drawing the cooler air from the floor up, so that it mixes more. On the other, it's not blowing down on us, you know, in a feel-the-breeze kinda way. We could really see how it works today when Eddie was blowing bubbles and you could follow their progress up, up, up then out to the sides and drifting back down. It was cool.

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  • At 11:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Here's some help on that?

    I subscribe to the same theory. Blowing down in the summer and up in the winter.

  • At 9:32 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    Thanks, Patrick, I knew I could count on my loyal readers to find the answer.

  • At 11:19 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Last night I:

    Took out the trash

    Hauled the remains of our old storm door from the backyard to the concerte thing

    Mowed said backyard

    pruned horribly overgrowing trees

    washed dishes

    wiped down counter

    mopped floors

    Then at ten at night, I sat on the floor of my bedroom - the only room with an ac, lit a candle (to not disturb passed out Loki - it's the end of the school year and he's exhausted) and wrote in my journal.


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