The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Spring, When The Brides are in Bloom

Wedding season is fast approaching, as I am sure you are all aware. We've got two on our schedule already, both of which we are really looking forward too. Eddie's already got his tux (really). I mention this because I'm on Session at our church, which is basically the elected governing body, and I see the requests to use the building (and minister) for weddings. I wonder, at times, why people who do not attend any particular church or believe in any particular God feel the need to be married in a church. Tradition, I guess. I know of, off the top of my head, four couples who chose to not marry in a church for that reason, and they seemed to have no problem in finding lovely venues and proper officiants. But there are these others, people who have not darkened the doorstep of church in a decade, who freely espouse a disbelief in God, who choose to marry in a church, and I just think, Why? I had a church wedding and if I ever get our old scanner working or beg my father to do it, I'll scan a few pics in and post them (I was married so long ago, people didn't even USE digital cameras!). While I don't really plan on marrying again, most likely, if I were, I'd probably again get married in our church. Although I think it might be fun to fun off to some tropical island and get married on the beach, or head off to Vegas and take advantage of one of the many fun venues there, I would miss the "right" ness, for me, of being in my home church. If I were marrying outside my church's beliefs, I might need to make use of one of those (see here for my post on why polygamy may be right for me). Even if I didn't get married in our church, I surely wouldn't pick a house of worship from a different religion. I guess there's no real point here, just one of those things I don't "get". If you have to look for a church to get married in, maybe you don't need to get married in a church.

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  • At 2:35 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    We both knew that we would never get married in a church or synagoue. (sp?) He hasn't been in years and neither have I. It wasn't us...and well, you know the story!

  • At 6:28 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    On one hand, I think why bother. On the other, I think, maybe this is what brings them back to church. So many times it's done for the parents and not the couple.


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