The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Just the One?

Yesterday I caught about two minutes of the Family Feud - the good part, the end where the individuals have to yell out the top-of-the-head answers. The third question was "In a lifetime, how many times does a person fall in love?" The first guy answered "Four" then second answered "One". The latter was the number one answer. One time, most people believe, and that's all you get. It really made me think, how many times have I in love? Not l-u-v luv that you have in high school where you don't even need to know the object-of-your-affection's last name, but really in love. I've certainly never felt for any one else the love I feel for the Husband, but does that mean that I haven't loved any other men? I think there was at least one that I could have loved, but I don't think I made it that far. He was a good man, smart, but maybe a little lazy, and I didn't let our relationship get past the casual dating stage because I knew we were going in opposite directions in life. I cared a lot about a different boyfriend, but judging by the speed I got over our breakup, I'm going to say that I wasn't in love. My high school boyfriend - that was luv, even if I did mourn that relationship for, well, longer than it lasted. Maybe I'm wrong and there is only one perfect person out there for each of us, and once we've found that one person, that's it. I like to think that you can be in love more than once, just not at the same time. I'd hope that if something happened to me, the Husband would have another chance to love and be loved. In either case, if you have found one, or The One, hang on with all you've got, because love is a precious thing, and not worth wasting.

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  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I totally think you can love more than once. What about people who lose their spouse? Are they supposed to close up shop and never love again?

    I have a friend who lost her husband in their 20's to cancer. Is she supposed to never love for the remaining 70+ years of her life? I think not. I can't support an idea that she could not.

  • At 6:26 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    I think you can love more than once, and like Patrick said, that's a good thing. We both got lucky and married young, and hopefully we'll never have to love again!


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