The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Just Another Manic Mon .. no, Tues. . . Oh, Wednesday.

My, my, Wednesday already and I haven't posted this week. To be fair to me, my son is just now coming off of his Multi-Easter basket sugar high, so I've spent the past few days trying to talk him down from the ceiling. The Husband is recovering from some sort of Mongolian Death Cold - it's been a busy week. Anyway, here's today's thoughtful and brilliant post. Uh, hmmm, well there's . . . Did you ever notice that . . . Is it just me or . . . . Dang. Got nothing. It's been freezing, which makes me unhappy. I hate being cold and I was halfway through changing our sweaters for t-shirts and basically ended up leaving everything spread out in my bedroom. It looks like the aftermath of a huge sale at Wal Mart. Eddie learns new words everyday. His new word is "snack" and he says it with so much passion and desperation you'd be sure he's never seen a full meal. I want to say that MOST of the snacks he's allowed are generally healthful. I worry about us going to the doctors and he says something like "snack, pop?" and she thinks I feed him nothing but Cheetos and diet Coke. (But really, if I gave him all the good food, what would I eat?) If I do say so myself, I've been pretty good about doing my pilates and/or walking on the treadmill. I do at least 1/2 hour every day that the Husband works, meaning 5-6 days a week. However, I don't think I've lost a pound. I really think it just makes me hungrier. Stupid body - eat the fat stores! That's what they're for, and here's a news flash - we don't even need them. I promise, we won't have to live off of them. We have a fridge AND a chest freezer - let them store the fat, you just let it go. So there ya go.

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