The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Jami Has an ADD Post

I mentioned yesterday that my poor brain is tired. This makes focusing even more of a challenge for us ADD folks. So here's what's rattlin' around the old bean. Why did macaroni and cheese make such a big hit, when shells and cheese is clearly superior? Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally in love with mac and cheese in all its many delicious forms, but shells are obviously better suited to holding cheese. Were the shells invented after the macaroni variety took off? I just wonder. I wonder what happened before people settled on “left” and “right”. I mean, the cavemen must have had to give each other directions to each other, perhaps to where they had felled the mammoth for dinner that night. So if they didn’t have formalized directions, it must have been much harder. Maybe this is why the modern man still doesn’t want to ask for directions; it’s ingrained in him since prehistoric times that it just won’t help. Why isn’t the spork more popular? It seems it would make place settings easier. I don’t have enough experience with them to know if there are ways that a fork and spoon separately are superior. How can homeless people afford to smoke? Even if they are always bumming cigarettes off of other people, how did they get started? If you can’t afford a home and food, I can’t imagine blowing $5 on a pack of cigs when you could get actual food or at least some alcohol for that much. Alcohol might not be any better for you, but at least it can make you feel better about not having a home. Drinking I get, smoking – no. When will they invent the soda can that can be resealed by the consumer? Why does pop taste better from cans? Is it absorbing the metal? Am I going to die from heavy metal poisoning? The bad kind, not the Metallica kind. I really like mints and of course I enjoy chocolate, but I no longer like them together. I used to love those Thin Mints, but now I’d rather not even have a cookie, and that’s saying a lot. Okay, I love you, Bye-bye (100 points if you get the cartoon reference)

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  • At 3:25 AM, Blogger MommytoAJ4 said…

    Hello Lady! Animaniacs, Button and Mindy

    I love your blog! It cracks me and DH up all the time. Thanks for making my world a little better. :)

    Angie (aka Aidensmom)

  • At 1:43 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    1. Mac & cheese was around (as a commercial product) LONG before shells & cheese.

    2. Cavemen probably just pointed & grunted. Can't speak for other "modern" men, but I am incredibly good with directions and figuring things out, and only need to ask directions when I'm in a hurry, or when I'm with an impatient female (oops, that's redundant).

    3. Maybe they need to induct the spork into the formal family of eating utensils. I mean, you've never seen a sterling silver spork, have you?

    4. Most homeless people weren't always homeless, so probably smoked previously. When they became homeless, quitting smoking probably wasn't at the top of their agenda.

    5. Pop tastes best in GLASS. On the other hand, too much Metallica probably isn't good for you either. (Switch to Beatallica.)

    6. I can't STAND the tastes of mint and chocolate together, never have. Whoever invented Junior Mints ought to be shot, then taken out and whipped. Chocolate and peanut butter together, on the other hand... that person deserves the Nobel Prize for Yummy Goodness.

    7. Peace out. (I have no idea about the cartoon reference, but then again, I rarely watch cartoons except for the occasional Simpsons or Family Guy.)

    Oh yeah, almost forgot... WINGS RULE! (smirk)

  • At 11:20 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    Angie - you got it! Thanks for reading! Your boys look great.

    Jim - yes, Mac and Cheese was commercial first, but surely shells had already been invented, why go public with the inferior shape?

  • At 12:05 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    Kraft has been selling mac & cheese commercially since 1937. I don't think shells & cheese has been around any longer than the 1980's.

    Besides, mac & cheese is WAY cheaper.

  • At 1:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Mmmmmm...shells and cheese...


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