The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jami and the Annoying Little Photos

I know, I know, I sort of have a bit of a theme going here, but. . . Will someone please explain the point of the "keepsake" size photos they force you to take with any package at the various portrait studios? I have to wonder who even came up with this idea; I can't imagine people saying "you know, these wallet sized pictures are just far too big. I sure wish I had something really tiny." What on earth is the point of these itty-bitty pics? I know what you're thinking: They are great for lockets, like the beautiful one you got for Mothers' Day. And you're absolutely right. But what the *&%$$# am I supposed to do with the other 23 that came with the package? Give them to the grandparents who won't be able to even see the picture without a viewing device? Give them to friends who will do what with them?? And yes, I am aware that they sell tiny little frames for them and ornaments you can put them in and whatnot, but that's only because no one could figure out what else to do with those little suckers. Hey, Portrait Studios - do people ever order extra sheets of the "keepsake size"? No, and you know why? No one wants them. Give me 8 wallets for my 24 keepsakes. Give me ONE normal size picture.

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  • At 1:01 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    Okay, I like the keepsakes and here's why.

    Coach has these little picture keychains - they are two sides of a leather folder, with a snap and a key ring. They cost about $20. The keepsake photos fit them. So, you get those keepsake photos and you probably got the deal for two poses, put one on one side and one on the other, and for $20 you have a great present for the grandparents, aunts, etc. And the keychain is from Coach (outlet, of course) so women love it and it looks like it cost you more than it did.

    Classy, and sentimental on the cheap. What more could you want?

    (I got the two poses with a coupon from JC Penney.)


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