The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Jami Fights the World

Ugh, when it rains it, well, you know. In the last two weeks:
  • We had a death in the family
  • I've spent hours and hours fighting with the various customer service and tech support personnel of different companies. (and I haven't had Internet - almost lost my phone, too).
  • My computer battery died, and apparently this particular model doesn't run on a power cord if the battery is kaput. Don't ask me why.
  • I had a problem with my paycheck.
  • I am planning our church's VBS (with tons of help, not just me), our church's Youth Sunday (Not that it's a huge production,just one more thing).
  • It was so hot even my two-year-old didn't want to go outside. Now it's raining
  • Apparently this is a busy time for my company as we all got extra work.
  • I took on a side project, because I just don't have enough to do.
  • I think my washing machine might be leaking.

And that's just off the top of my head. Most of the customer service people at least attempted to be helpful, even when they were telling me things they knew I didn't want to hear. At least two were whatever the opposite of helpful is, not unhelpful, meaning that they just didn't help much, meaning that they appeared to make the situation less pleasant AND did not help.

I also talked to a woman at my company who apparently is the "form lady". From what I could tell her job consists of: 1. Answering her phone in a confusing way and 2. Sending people forms. I am not kidding. She could not tell me anything about anything unless it was "I have a form for . . . would that help?" (answer: no) I am not sure what type of training this requires, but it sounds, overall, like a fairly easy job and I wonder how one goes about becoming the form lady. I also talked to the person who, according to my contact sheet, is the one you need to talk to about personnel and/or payroll issues. I explained my situation and she told me that she didn't know anything my payroll, because the payroll department didn't share any information with her. She referred me to the form lady. Who sent me a form. This is not a joke, sadly.

So, sorry I've been gone. My brain is shot. Computer is mostly back up. I will attempt to be fun and interesting tomorrow. Assuming that the roof doesn't fall in.

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