The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Jami Versus Sinus Pain

Sigh, so all last week, we're crazy-busy, plus Eddie and the Husband had colds. Which basically meant, nothing except the bare minimum got done. We all have clean socks and undies and we're eating off of clean plates. But that's about it. Therefore, when my mom offered to take Eddie for a few hours while the Husband works, I saw a Golden Opportunity - a chance to clean the house without interruption and/or a toddler clinging to me screaming about wanting to "help". Of course, I woke up with apparently 50 pounds of fluid in my sinuses. I'm totally fine, as long as I move slowly and don't tilt my head forward. Ever try to clean your house without looking down? It's darned difficult. The pattern has been - work for 20 minutes or so at super-snail pace, until the pounding in my end gets to the "my eyes are about to pop out" level, then laying down with a hot compress on my head (this is the phase I'm in now - blogging on my back). The Husband, after watching this for the few minutes before he left, finally asked "What are you doing?" Emptying the dishwasher without leaning forward was a challenge and apparently looked bizarre. He ordered me to the couch, but I have to admit that not taking this chance to get something done is almost as unpleasant as the construction going on in my brain. So here I go again, to inch my way to scrub the bathroom. I may have to skip the toilet, I can't envision how one cleans that without leaning forward.

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