The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Jami - the Helpless Female

Today I did something that I haven't done in more than 6 years, and only once in the 11+ years since I've been married. I pumped my own gas. See, when we got married, the Husband took over the thankless task of making sure the car(s) have gas. It's one of the many ways he takes care of me, and also, probably makes sure I don't mess up the engine by running out of gas. But mostly the first part. He meant to put gas in the car yesterday when we were out running errands as a family, but we were busy and forgot. Today, while out, the "check gauges" light lit up, momentarily freaking me out until I realized that it just meant I was low on gas. Really, really low. Too low to go home and tell the Husband to take care of it. Sigh. I had no choice. I had to do it. When I pulled into the station, it occured to me that:
  1. I had never put gas in this particular car, since it's only 3 years old.
  2. I had never used the credit card method of paying at the pump.
  3. I didn't know which side the gas tank was on

Of course, I guessed wrong on the side one, and had to pull up, turn around. No big strong man ran up to assist me, so I had to figure the whole thing out all by myself. I am pretty sure I managed to pay, but I still have a slight fear that I stole the gas and the police will be here any minute. I almost drove off with the gas cap still off (the dang thing was hard enough to get off in the first place!) because I was paying too much attention to figuring out if I'd paid. But I did it! This sweet delicate flower managed the scary, dirty task all on my own. Yay me.

Oh, and because I"m so paranoid, I spent the entire time the gas was pumping reminding myself that if it catches fire, you should immediately let go and drop the nozzle and back away instead of the natural impulse to yank it out of the car. But that's just me, and it didn't burst into flames, so it's all good.

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  • At 8:52 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Oh, Jami...I do love you.


    I'm just saying. ;)

  • At 2:06 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I live in NJ where it is illegal to pump your own gas. I am totally helpless at the pump - though I do know which side my tank is on. :)

  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    PW: Thanks. Maybe you can pump my gas next time the Husband is unavailable :D

    Karen: OH, what a fantastic law. I'm sorry, I can't legally do that for myself . . . .


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