The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jami Shares a Virtual Evening With EDW

Tonight the finale of a hilariously wrong reality show called "Crowned" aired. I've been following the misadventures of some mother-daughter teams trying to win a pageant. Turns out my online friend EDW also enjoyed the combination of pageant, reality and come-uppences that was Crowned. So tonight, we ended up watching the finale together, in different states. Through the various magics of TiVo and IM, even though EDW started ahead of me, she was able to wait while I caught up, and then we skipped all the commercials together. We got to mock the horrible team as they screwed up beyond our hopes and root for the women who hoped to use the money to stop being homeless. I won't tell you who won, just in case you're saving it on TiVo for later review, but I thought it went pretty well, overall. This reminded me of high school, when I used to "watch" shows with my boyfriend over the phone on weeknights when we couldn't be together. There's something so nice about being in your own jammies in your own house with your blankets and tea or diet coke and still being part of hanging out with someone. After a long day and too much cold weather, nothing warms the heart like reality TV with a friend. Thanks, EDW, let's do it again sometime.

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