Jami Meets Mrs. Stewart
This is available in our local supermarket:
Is it me? Or does Mr. Stewart look seriously unhappy? And sort of vaguely like Mrs. Doubtfire. She doesn't look like someone I'd want to buy liquid bluing from, even if I knew what one is supposed to do with liquid bluing. It's in the cleaning aisle, but I don't know how clean something would be if you put liquid bluing on it.
The thing I find most interesting that someone, somewhere approved this label. Someone looked at this face and said "Yes! That will sell our liquid bluing! That's exactly the look I'm going for. " I'd like to meet that person, and just say "Really?" I mean, even if this is your beloved mother, surely, you'd rather see her smiling.
Hmm, looking at it again, I notice that it's concentrated. Maybe Mrs. Stewart is trying to convey to you how hard she is concentrating on your liquid bluing.
Is it me? Or does Mr. Stewart look seriously unhappy? And sort of vaguely like Mrs. Doubtfire. She doesn't look like someone I'd want to buy liquid bluing from, even if I knew what one is supposed to do with liquid bluing. It's in the cleaning aisle, but I don't know how clean something would be if you put liquid bluing on it.
The thing I find most interesting that someone, somewhere approved this label. Someone looked at this face and said "Yes! That will sell our liquid bluing! That's exactly the look I'm going for. " I'd like to meet that person, and just say "Really?" I mean, even if this is your beloved mother, surely, you'd rather see her smiling.
Hmm, looking at it again, I notice that it's concentrated. Maybe Mrs. Stewart is trying to convey to you how hard she is concentrating on your liquid bluing.
At 6:25 PM, Liz said…
She's serious! She means business! You can trust her liquid bluing formula!
At 10:39 PM, Jim McKee said…
I think this is what the Blue Man Group uses when they need to touch up a little, here and there.
At 3:52 PM, Jami said…
EDW: Hmm, yes, that must be it. She's not messing around when it comes to the liquid bluing.
Jim: Ahhh, now I get it.
At 1:37 AM, Anonymous said…
I think Mrs. Stewart may actually be Mr. Stewart when Mrs. Stewart is 'away' on business.
Just saying...
At 1:08 PM, Anonymous said…
Well, my inner-internet geek got the better of me and I had to google it:
Who knew?
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