The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Jami Brags About Her Perfect Son

Eddie is two-and-a-half now, and will tell you that. I could brag that he can recognize about 5-6 letters and tell you what sound they make. I could mention that he's almost unnaturally coordinated for a kid his age and can catch a football (Nerf), walk the zig-zag balance beam at Gymboree and climb anything unaided. I might mention that he says "please" and "thank you" mostly without prompting. I may tell you that he can count to 11. Or that he knows what street he lives on, that he figures things out, and that he's even made homemade pizza. Sure, he's brilliant and gorgeous and witty, but how about this? Yesterday he say the picture of Nelson on my daily Simpsons calendar, and said "He say 'Ha ha!'" That's right, on top of all the other fantastic things, my son is a pop culture prodigy. I am so proud. BTW- is anyone else having trouble with the spell-checker on blogger? I can't get it to work for days now.

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