Jami's New Game, The First Winner
I started this New Word Game here and promised to announce the first winner today. I was tempted to give the nod to PW who is trustworthy and since she said she'd do it, I believe her, but since she didn't post the conversation and the rules clearly state you do, I declare the first winner to be . . . .
Just because my use was in the actual comments. This'll be the last time I win, so if you want to be a winner, and I know you do, read the rules again and play this week with the word:
susurrus su-SUHR-uhs
A whispering or rustling sound; a murmur.
Now go play!!
At 10:57 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
"Stop oscillating my head. You're making me dizzy." Me to Loki as he whirled around the kitchen making me some blueberry pancakes.
Can I help that I'm sometimes forgetful? :)
At 8:42 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
Last night, in bed, at 2 in the morning.
"Wake up," I say.
"Whhaaa?" Says Loki.
"I thought I heard a susurrus."
"I thought I heard a susurrus."
"Go back to sleep."
At 4:06 PM,
Jami said…
Oooooh. Looks like you're in the lead for this week, PW.
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