The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Jami's Success

Thanks to all you loyal readers who sent your Good Block Party Vibes our way, they worked pretty well.

The day started off on a bit of a bad note - an unpleasant woman in the apartments at the end of our street came out and yelled at me and the neighbor who was helping me set up the blockades. "You can't just go blocking off the whole street!" I explained to her that we had a permit from the borough and I'd left a flyer in her door about it with the time we'd be closing the street. She screamed "I'll run right over those (expletive) barriers!" My neighbor said "That's fine, you can explain that to the borough police - those are their barriers!" I suggested that if she hadn't yet moved her car off of our street, she was welcome to move them, drive out and put them back. In probably the worst retort ever, she yelled "Then that's what I'll do then!" and slammed her door. Sigh.

It picked up after that, with more people showing up than had RSVP'd, but since everyone brought food we had more than enough. The children brought out toys and bikes, someone put out a sprinkler for them and they were in kiddie-heaven. One neighbor produced a Margarita mix, but realized she didn't have tequila - two other neighbors ran to their houses and brought back full bottles of the stuff: the Party had started!

There were "urban horses" for the menfolk (picture below). The water balloon toss managed to include every adult present, and ended in a tie, even after tie breakers. I'd have to say the highlight was the arrival of Fireman B. and his truck. The kids had a ball riding in the truck (he took us on a ride around several blocks) with lights and sirens. Then the kids got to try on his turnout gear even though the gear itself out-weighed most of them. One artistic neighbor brought paints and "tattooed" the kids. We did the chicken dance, macerena, electric slide and hokey pokey; don't ask me why - might have something to do with the Jello-shots. Good times.

It ended after dark, with a street-full of tired, full, buzzed adults and exhausted little ones (one of whom asked me "Eddie's Mom" (this is what she calls me) "Can we do this again?" I think so, Maddy. I think we can.

Tiffany's Water Balloon's Untimely Demise

Face Painting

Kids on the Truck (that's not where they rode).

Eddie Drives the Truck

Future Firefighter

The Party

The Jello Shots

Urban Horseshoes

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  • At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The Internet's a great thing, but sometimes you really need to interact with the people around you. Glad you had a good time.

  • At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    looks like it was a hit. i wish i could pull that off...except that i live on perry hwy!

  • At 10:26 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    Oh, that's awesome!


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