The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Jami Sort-Of Plans a Party

This Saturday is our first ever block party. I initiated the planning after talking to neighbors who all seemed to think it was a great idea. Today, my next door neighbor and I went out to get the supplies. I really wanted to have a block party because I want to get to know more of my neighbors. I want to build community - not only is it just nicer, but also because it's safer. SIDE STORY: a few years ago when my former boss was picking me up at home to leave for a business trip, he arrived 15 minutes early. Not wanting to rush me, he didn't call to say he was out front, just sat in his car and went over our trip route, etc. The husband of the woman I went shopping with today noticed a stranger parked in front of my house, typing on a laptop and staring at my house and went out and questioned him. Even after my boss explained himself and knew my full name and everything, the neighbor stood out front on his porch until I came out and waved and got into the car. Sure made me feel better about being home alone when Chas works the night shift. END OF SIDE STORY Several people volunteered to help, but about half of them weren't able to for one reason or another. The few that did help really got into it, so that's good. Anyway, I'm a little worried that not enough people are going to show (only about 28 said they'd come) and also a little annoyed that I handed out 55 flyers and only got about 20 RSVP's. What's wrong with people?? How hard is it to pick up the phone, and say "Hey, sorry, we can't make it"?? I gave my phone number, street number and even email address - you don't even have to talk to me! Even two of the people that were outside that I personally handed the flyers to still haven't RSVP'd. Grrr. Anyway, send your positive Block Party Vibes our way this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.

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  • At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    start small the first year more people will jump on board.

  • At 10:51 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I sent them. I'm glad they went well.



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