The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday Feast

Feast 145 Appetizer Name a sound you like to hear. I love to hear the Husband and Eddie playing together. Eddie has a great laugh and the Husband can be very silly and sweet, especially when he thinks no one's around to hear him. Soup What is your favorite kind of cheese? Melted. Salad Do you sleep late on Saturday mornings? Why or why not? Nope, I have a baby. Main Course When was the last time you forgot something? What was it, and how long did it take to remember it? I forgot someone's name when introducing her to another friend this week, but I remembered it after about a second, so I just covered it with a throat clear. Dessert Fill in the blank: I notice ____________ when _____________. I notice my Pittsburgh accent is stronger when I'm talking to another Picksburgher.



  • At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    that is tough to wake up late having a baby...he/she becomes the alarm clock!hehehe!

  • At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thanks for checking out my FF. Happy friday!

    I didn't mention that on the days when I would be able to sleep in, I also can't because I too, have children... 3 of them, so that puts that to rest, or gets me up, I should say.

  • At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love melted chhese too! Great feast.

  • At 10:27 AM, Blogger Annie said…

    What a great feast!

    My Life as Annie!

  • At 2:14 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Is that why I never heard your Pittsburgh accent? Cause I'm not originally from here?


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