The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jami Remembers

Memorial Day - a time to remember those who have given their lives in service of our nation, and really, of our world. It actually irks me to see carpet stores and used car lots having Memorial Day sales - gee, how nice to honor our fallen soldiers by buying a nice rug. Today, I am remembering three soldiers who fought, served and came home. This year, I've been to three funerals of three WWII vets - my grandfather and two men from our church family. Their service, more than a half-century ago was mentioned at the funerals, because it shaped their lives, and they shaped our world. My other grandfather is alive, and also served in WWII. He was wounded, fairly seriously, and after recovering, returned to action and liberated Rome. Tomorrow, Eddie and I will watch the parade that goes by our house (convenient!) and wave our flags. As I did last year, I'll tell him that today we are remembering that brave people fought and died so that we here in the United States and other countries can be free and live how we want to live. We'll stand when the vets walk by. He's too little to understand now, but I'll keep telling him until he does, and even after that. Regardless of how you feel about the ongoing war, please take a moment to remember that the freedoms you enjoy everyday, even the freedom to disagree with the government and protest the war, those were bought for you at a high price. God bless the families of the soldiers who did not come home. God bless those who lost friends, lovers, and comrades. In loving memory of Pop-Pop, George Libby Sr. and George Paul. Thank you for your service and your legacy.

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