The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, August 04, 2006

My Little Things

In case yesterday's post was too much of a downer, here are some little things that make me happy. I'm leaving my husband and son off the list because they are BIG things that make me happy, and you probably already knew that. 1. Warm Rain. Yes, I know everyone loves a sunny day, but being the whitest-white girl ever, I pretty much Insta-Burn, and as much as I love heat and hate cold, the sun, especially on my face, makes me a little nervous. I love being inside and hearing a really good pounding rain. I love walking on a warm summer day with that misty rain that is like a million soft kisses. I love the smell of rain and after rain and the electric smell before a storm. I love splashing in puddles. 2. Unexpected Food. Isn't it awesome when someone buys you lunch? That's the best! Or brings you a little treat? A while ago I hid some chocolates in my desk and a few days later, having already forgotten them was rummaging for something and found them - YAY!! 3. A Movie I Know By Heart. This also applies to many Simpsons episodes. I put it on, I say my favorite lines out loud, I get all ready to laugh at the funny parts (the anticipation is great!) and I laugh every time, even if I know it's coming. Dorky, but makes me happy. 4. Getting Into Bed. How great is that first moment you snuggle down into your bed? Super great. 5. The Sound of My Diet Coke Can Opening. Especially the first one of the mornings. Krrrsscchhhsshh! Such a happy noise. Makes me smile. 6. Tea. Hot, fresh, pinch of Splenda (for most flavors) splash of lemon (for some flavors). Smells good, tastes good, warms you - what's better than tea? 7. Shoes. Hey, like it or not, I'm a girl. Partial to boots, but not when it's 95 outside. 8. Blog Comments. Obviously a relatively new one, and I wrote about it here, so 'nuff said. 9. TiVo. I admit it. I love TV. TiVo is a friend who gets the best stuff on TV for you. I love him. 10. "How You Doing?". Vanity, thy name is Jami. I can't help it, as much as I loathe and fear strangers, when a non-scary-looking guy gives me a "Hey, girl!" or smiles at me, I'm grinning for an hour. Chalk it up to growing up awkward - glasses, braces, not a curve in sight - but a guy who hits on me in passing makes my day. One time a nicely dressed guy at the bus stop said "After you, Pretty Lady" when we were getting on the bus and I happy-blushed so hard you could have read by the light of my face. Probably just being polite, but it totally made my day. So there you have it. Oh, there's all the standard stuff, too, like chocolate, good songs on the radio, going to the drive in, a good burp when you really need to, but these are the ones that are really ME.


  • At 2:15 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Comments...I'm such a comment whore.:) But I do know what you mean...

  • At 10:41 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    You are my secret twin! Unexpected food!!!! I think half my posts are about that! It's the best.

    Also, the Simpsons, yes. Princess Bride is a good one for that.

    Warm rain, yes.

    Bed, yes.

    Comments, TIVO, and random compliments - yes! Last night I gave directions to a guy, and he was so cutely nice about it! Eeeee!!!


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