Jami Cracks Under the Pressure of Blogging
As mentioned in a previous post, I remember dreams every night. As many of you know, when something stressful is approaching I usually dream that something about it went very, very bad (remind me to tell you the one about the Christmas play with the "charred corpses of our enemies . . ."). And, if you didn't notice yet, I'm a big dork. No, really, it's okay, I know.
So I started this blog and thought "no one will want to read my randomness, and that's fine" but then - a few people read and - BAM! I'm a glory hog (which we also all knew). Two or three comments and now I want the whole world to read it, and comment (positively, of course). I check it all the time to see if there are new comments. Like the first time you had an email account and you checked it every minute to see if there was email - that's me.
This all ties together because last night the blogging invaded my dreams. In my dream, my dear friend who posts as Paperback Writer was copying my posts to her new blog, almost as soon as I'd posted them here. And, since PW is way cooler and more popular than I am, tons of people were reading and giving her glowing comments. It was sooo cruel. PW assures me she would never do this (which I already knew), but it was still disturbing.
The pressure of being this funny (and yes I realize this one wasn't that funny) must be too much for me. And I'll be back in 5 minutes to see if you've commented. Please say something nice, I need the sleep . . .
At 1:33 PM,
Jami said…
Argh - a whole HOUR with no comments!
At 3:40 PM,
Movie Guy #2 said…
Allow me to be the first person to comment on your freshest blog. "Blog" such a stupid word. As a fellow "blogger" having started my own just this week; (don't worry, no shamelees plugs here) I too am now filled with a ridiculous sense of accomplishment and pride. Feeling as though everyone should read my really deep thoughts and observations.
Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go continue wearing out the "Refresh" button on my keyboard.
At 3:56 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
Oh, stop it Jami. :)
Seriously. Like I said, you may have lurkers - email me and I'll let you know how to find out. Or it may be a busy day at work.
You want more people on your blog?
Sign up with Pittsburgh Webloggers. Truly. You'll be fine.
At 12:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Jami,don't be so hard on yourself. You're a wonderfu friend!!!!! I should know!!!!!!!!!!!!
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