The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Can You Hear Me Now?

A while ago, EDW wrote about things that bug her. I also recently wrote about lying and how it's often a deal-breaker for me. Today's topic is a nothing new, but recently been happening too often. It's people not listening to me. Oh, they hear me, they nod and even say "I get you" then they either totally forget what I told them, or clearly indicate that they certainly don't "get me", not even a little. Today I was talking to someone I work with and I said that he needed to understand a certain idea. He responded with something totally irrelevant, but in a way that seemed he thought he was confirming what I told him (like "I need to know if you like chocolate?" (nodding)"This IS the perfect day to go to the beach.") I shake my head and try again - I am telling you about this and it's critical. Off he goes in another direction. Another coworker tries, "Just want to see if we're all on the same page . . ." Again, we aren't sure he "gets" it. Finally I give it one more go, in as simple terms as I can, and the coworker responds (angrily) "You've told me that five times already!" Grrrr!! Or, as Coworker Two said later "Yes, and if you'd demonstrated even once that you comprehended, I'd've stopped then." Not listening annoys me because it's a lack of respect. I don't expect to be the center of your universe with your undivided attention every moment of every day, but if I am talking to you and I can see from your expression that you are already thinking of what you are going to say next or if a minute later you have already completely forgotten what I said, why did I bother telling you? It's disrespectful. You don't have to remember every word I have ever said to you, but if I am passing along information that is of interest, can you at least not ask me about it 6 more times, and ignore me each time I answer you? If you're too busy to listen, say so! Nothing wrong with "Hey, I gotta concentrate on this for a few minutes, can we talk later?" I hate people not listening because all to often it leads me to an "I told you so" place. I don't want to say "I told you so" but I DID tell you. It's not that I am super-smart or have great wisdom, but one of my talents is being able to see around corners(other people's especially, since I've got no investment). I can see that you are headed in the wrong direction from where you want to go. If you ask me, I'll tell you and if you ignore me and hit that tree, how can I not point out that if you HAD listened, you'd be okay? Not to look superior, but so that next time when I yell "TREE! TREE-TREE-TREE-TREE!!!!" maybe you will recall that last time, when I said "Tree!" there was one. Okay, so now I sound nuts AND pompous. Maybe I just need a nap.


  • At 10:54 PM, Blogger Liz said…


    That was very funny, Jami!

    Yes, it's so disrespectful, even more so at work, I think. And so common at work!


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