The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Pushing My Limits

Everyone who knows me well knows that I dig being the center of attention. If you let me, I'll tell you stories all night, entertain a crowd, etc. I'm in a singing group, because I love to sing. We basically only sing at my church, and I'm nicely blended in a group of 6 women. As much as I love to sing and love to be in the spotlight, I'm not a soloist. I have pretty good voice for blending, but I'm unsure of myself, plus, I just started learning to sing alto - I was a first soprano all through high school, for those who know music, and this not-singing-the-melody thing is all kinda new. My voice dropped to alto in college, and then I didn't get back into really singing for several years. This comes up because Sunday I am singing backup to my sister-in-law during church service. Just me and her and there is no one else singing my part AND I basically had to figure it out myself because she didn't have music. Of course, this is on top of the fact that my SIL is: 1. Gorgeous 2. A fantastic singer 3. Also playing the guitar Which means dumpy, uncertain singing, untalented in the instrument department me will be right next to Perfect Music Girl, trying not to mess her up too bad. I'm so nervous that I am trying to decide whether I am going to puke or faint (or, hey, maybe both!) and just praying I don't make a giant fool of us all. If you want to come see what happens, it's at my church (link on the right) this Sunday. I actually invited people because my brother will also be delivering the message, but now I am worried that people I know will just make me nervous-er. Sigh. It's tough to be me ...


  • At 2:43 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Oh, stop it. You'll be fine.


  • At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jami,if you think you CAN do this you're right. If you think you CAN'T you're right. Think Positively. Pretend you're talking to me. How many times have you done THAT? Lori

  • At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, puking as your fainting would be a pretty fantastic trick.

  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    PW - you're just saying that because you've never heard me sing (I think).

    Lori, thanks, I'll keep that in mind!

    Movie Guy 2 - maybe I can pretend it's all part of the act, folks ...


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