The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Just One of Those Days, I Guess

Today, a coworker and I went to lunch at the Park House in the Strip a little place nearby we go once or twice a month. They have excellent, inexpensive food and generally friendly help. Today we went in and sat down. A waitress we'd never seen before who was the only other person in the room, hollered over "Yinz want menus?" (for non-Pittsburghers, 'Yinz' is the plural 'you' in Pittsburghese). We replied that we didn't; we already knew what we wanted. She then asked "Just hanging out then?" Coworker and I looked at each other confused, and repeated "No, we just already know what we want." She wandered off behind the bar and we waited. She didn't come back. A few minutes later, the cook came out. She saw us and said to the waitress "You waitin' on them?" "No." The waitress mumbled something I couldn't hear, then went about her business (she seemed to wiping the same can over and over while watching the TV). The cook shrugged and said "I'm gonna sit for a minute." She plopped down at the bar, lit up a cigarette and watched TV, too. We stared at them for about 5 minutes, incredulous, occasionally clearing our throats, then finally got up and walked out. We went to another place and got take out sandwiches - I had the ham and cheese sandwich and they forgot the cheese! We love the Park House and we'll go back; I'd recommend you try it out, but if it's just one large waitress and the guy's not in sight, come back some other time!


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