The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Coming Soon to a Toy Store Near You . . .

My first reaction to the new Monopoly with a debit card instead of money was that this is a sign of the end of the world as we know it. Monopoly WITHOUT money. Just wrong. I'm not the kind of person who thinks that the classic games should never be tampered with. I have Simpsons Monopoly and Star Wars Monopoly and I play them whenever I can actually find someone willing to play. I think it's funny to be Homer or Han Solo and to be buying Moe's Tavern or a spot on the Death Star. But Monopoly, like most real games, is about winning, and man, when you have that big colorful pile of money in front of you and your opponent has a twenty and a few ones, you know you're winning. My coworker Greg pointed out that many children learn or practice counting skills with Monopoly, and that is absolutely true. Not much math needed when you just swipe your card. Of course maybe this is more "real" but come on, it's a game! And what about "house rules" like the Free Parking Money? Everyone plays that unofficial rule differently, can you even do that with the debit card? You wouldn't get the joy of raking that pile of cash over to your side after triumphantly counting yourself onto Free Parking. Now, the one upside might be that it's gotta be harder to slip an extra $500 from the bank when no one's looking. Still I don't know if a reduction in cheating possibilities is worth losing the glorious feel of taking your opponents last few paper dollars, or of learning to deal with the anguish of mortgaging something, and watching that money go directly to someone else. What's next - hide and seek using GPS? BTW - please come over and play Simpsons Monopoly with me. I promise not to steal from the bank . . ..


  • At 11:39 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    That's a travesty! Debit card, indeed! I'm with you on this one. And I, too, have Simpsons Monopoly - I love buying The Gilded Truffle or Disco Stu's. This is starting to get weird Jami! Your birthday's not the 19th, is it?

  • At 12:10 PM, Blogger Movie Guy #2 said…

    Mine is the 19th.....I use to beat the crap out of my brother at Monopoly. We would play every Christmas, and if would get to the point that I would give him a $500 bill to get up and get me some more eggnog. We had a slightly different twist; we would combine the money from 2 different Monopoly sets, and play until one of us (always me) had most all the money. Even with him as the banker, he couldn't win. He still has not learned that giving up everything just to own all 4 railroads is not a winning strategy. MORE EGGNOG SLAVE!

  • At 1:09 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    EDW - nope, it's the 5th, but it is getting weird, isn't it?

    Movie Guy #2 - HA HA HA! That's awesome! Wish I'd thought of that.

  • At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh man. Mr. Moneybags must be rolling over in his grave.

    Wait, does he have a grave? Is he even dead? Anyway. I think I'm gonna compare the debit card v. 'real' money to all of the parents who come in and buy their 4 year old kids digital watches as opposed to actually teaching them to tell time. I'm in my twenties and have friends who cannot use an analog clock. Sheesh.

    But I've definitely pulled something along the lines of waht movie guy #2 did with the eggnog -- I used to pay my little sisters for their vanilla Tootsie Rolls.

  • At 2:43 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Hey, when are those game days starting again?


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