The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jami Speaks to the Nice People In Hollywood

Dear Hollywood Producers of Comic Book Movies, Hi, first off, thanks for finally starting to turn the comic book movies over to people who understand the genre. We appreciate that the people who are making the comic book movies seem to be "getting it". Second, we love this new Batman series. Really, it's excellent. Saw the Dark Knight today and loved it. That's how the Joker is supposed to be. Harvey Two-Face? Excellent. As much as I love Tommy Lee, that character was so wrong. But this - perfect. However, and I do so hate to complain, for the love of Gotham, will you please stop trying to give Batman a love interest? The man is mentally unstable and bum-deep in vigilantism, not at all in the right place for dating. Yes, I know, plenty of crazies date, but the point is that Batman is not one of them. Look, Superman has Lois, and you can't do Spider-man without MJ, because they are part of the story. But Bruce Wayne is a billionaire playboy by day and angry crime-fighter by night. This leaves no time for falling in love. He doesn't do it. See, I know you think that it makes it more attractive to the non-geek ladies, but believe me, if they weren't going to go see it without the romance, they're not going for the 3 minutes of on-screen kissy-kissy. The fan boys don't want to see Bruce Wayne mooning over some made-up childhood sweetheart. The action movie fans aren't there for smooching. There is no reason for it. It's just wasting time. Thanks, Jami Now, a quick shout-out to my geek friends, I would not object to a subplot that included Talia al Ghul, the closest thing, IMO, that the Bat has to a lady-friend. But that might just be me.

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  • At 10:51 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Talia al Ghoul!?!? You think she would be a match for him?

    Okay, maybe perhaps. I'll have to think about it...

  • At 8:40 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    I always thought the MJ and Lois things were kind of stupid, too. So frustrating.

  • At 9:40 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    PW: I only know Talia from the animated Batman and from what the Husband has told me from the comic books, but I like her and the uncomfortable triangle that would make in the movie.

    EDW: Yes, those girls are useless and screamy, but they are part of the whole legend of those characters.


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