The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jami Brain Dumps From the Last Few Days

A few quick things from the last few days . . . At the park, Eddie's running around as usual while two girls, age 6-7ish, are on the big climbing thing. I hadn't been paying them much attention, as they conspired and giggled and climbed, but then they took over the swings next to where I was sitting and I heard one say to the other "This is the Ewok planet. Be careful, because we don't want to be captured by the Imperials!" Yay! My heart soared. The next generation of Girl Geeks. What possesses people to buy a car too big for them to drive? This morning, I watched as an older couple made at least 4 attempts to park their Chevy Suburban LT (a "car" approximately the size of my first apartment) in a normal parking space. After holding up the 20 or so cars who were trying to exit the parking lot, the driver pulled it mostly into the space so that they could get around him. Then, once the traffic cleared, his wife (I'm assuming) got out and made air traffic control signals/ blocked oncoming cars so that he could pull all the way out again, straighten out and finally pull all the way in. Here's a tip, folks, if it takes you two people to park your car, it's the wrong car for you. There is no reason these people need a car that size, unless they are lifetimes members of the Annoy the Humans club. I won a gift basket at Gymboree. This is not surprising, as it was a raffle and for most raffles I enter, if they are picking more than one or two tickets, I tend to win something. Not the huge things, but I do seem to win fairly often. It's one of the many perks of being me. The Husband is unusually lucky with cards. If you've seen Maverick, you know at the end where he needs the ace and sort of "thinks" it up to the top of the deck? I swear the Husband can do that. That's why we stick to board games. His voodoo doesn't work on dice, spinners or what-have-you.

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