The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Jami Wants to Meet the Person Who Buys These

I drop Eddie off at his new "big boy" sports class, where Mommy gets to leave and wander off through the Galleria (expensive, upscale mall). I have an hour to kill and I spot that sign that no woman can walk past - "Shoe Sale". Yay!

However, at the Galleria, "sale" doesn't always mean affordable. I get to the first table and see shoes starting at $59. Hmm, not really "sale" to me. The next has a mix, some are as low as $39. Better, but still not what I look for. Then I see a table covered with the style of shoes in the following picture:

So you have here, your basic plastic sandals with big fake rhinestones. Bedazzled Jellies. Gotta guess? Are you thinking $19.99? You would be wrong. $79. On clearance. Seventy-nine dollars! The FIRST sale tag,above the clearance tag said $99. If you bought these shoes on "clearance" for $79, you should be slapped for being stupid. I don't care how rich you are. If you bought them on "sale" for $99, you should slap your own self and send me the video. If you bought these for whatever the heck full price was, more than $100, obviously, you should drive to my house wearing these shoes so I can slap you out of them, video it and post it to YouTube.

And I love shoes. I do, but come on. These aren't even a brand name (or at least one I'd ever heard of). Just saying.

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