The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jami and That Homeless Guy

Did you ever see something that just stuck with you? I was downtown a few days ago and walked by the park that I used to be able to see from my office window. I immediately flashed back to a day when a coworker and I sat at the window for about 35 minutes and watched a homeless guy walk around that park, luring pigeons. See, we started watching because he was clearly trying to get the pigeons to come to him and it wasn't really working. He'd throw some food at them and then run to where they flocked to eat it. The process was hilarious, and I'd called her over to watch with me. Then, suddenly changing strategy, he sat down and took out handfuls of something (food??) from his coat pockets. He put one arm all the way out and the other about halfway down that arm. And to our utter shock, one of the pigeons landed on his outstretched hand. Faster than you'd believe possible - he closed the other hand on it and had a pigeon. We sat stunned, as he stuffed it into a nearby duffel bag and repeated the procedure. FIVE TIMES. We debated calling someone - who do you call about a homeless man nabbing pigeons?? Is it even illegal? We didn't know and before we could even take action, he picked up his pigeon-laden bag and strolled off. There are too many unanswered questions on that one to even start asking, so I'll just say: every now and then I think about That Homeless Guy. And his 6 captured pigeons. And wonder.

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