The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jami Cleans the Bathroom

No, it's not so rare that I felt the need to announce it, it's just that I hate cleaning the bathroom. I'm a bit on the germ-a-phobe side and even our bathroom, which I clean regularly and I know that just the three of us are using it, it's still the bathroom. It's just gross and I hate it. But today, I was cleaning the bathroom and I thought "Hey, at least I have a bathroom to clean, right? Some people don't." It got my brain going on a really good path and here's what sort of flowed. This has some God-stuff in it, so if that bugs you, well, you might want to pop on over to some other blog:
  • Thank you, God, that I have a bathroom and a family to clean it for.
  • I am grateful that I can clean my bathroom. There are people who would gladly scrub my toilet if it meant they had the ability to do it.
  • Thank you, God, for a Husband who works so hard so that I can stay home and clean my bathroom.
  • I am thankful that I live in a place with clean, hot water any time I want it. (unless I've already used it all)
  • I thank God that I was born in a country where I can make all the choices I've made that brings me here cleaning this bathroom. Where I could even choose to hire someone else to clean it.
  • Thank you, God, that I live in the age of great cleaners and the floors you don't have to wax, so I know that most of the germs are dead and I don't have to worry about waxy build-up.
  • Thanks, God, that we had the wisdom to buy a house with only one bathroom so I don't have to go do another one, next.

So that's my little message. I cleaned the bathroom, I cleaned the attitude. Good day.



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  • At 9:20 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    Hi, Sandy. Thanks for reading and appreciating the impressive way I describe things. I'd love to review your pinhole glasses, so why not mail me a few pair and I'll have a Girls' Night Out where all my friends wear them and watch Chick Flicks. I'll post lots of pictures and a good review with lots of great links.

    Thanks so much.


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